


What is a Collector?

A Collector is a business registered with the Atlantic Used Oil Management Association who we pay to pick up used oil and antifreeze products from large generators and participating drop-off locations and deliver them to Registered Processors for reuse and recycling.

Registered Collectors receive a set payment for collection of each product type and area of collection  –  we call these payments Return Incentives (RIs).  These RIs are intended to cover the cost of collection. Periodically, temporary increases are applied to address rising costs.  Click here to see RIs by zone.

To find a Registered Collector, click here.

Full list of Collectors and the zones they serve
List of Cities and Zones


How to become a Registered Collector

You can apply to become a Registered Collector by completing the following steps.

Following receipt of the documents and payment, your application will be reviewed and, if approved, registration will be completed and confirmed. All Collectors registered with the Atlantic Used Oil Management Association will appear on the website with the products they collect and the areas they service.



What is a Processor?

A Processor is a business registered with the Atlantic Used Oil Management Association to process used oil and antifreeze products.

Processing means the reuse, recycling (including biological treatment), or any other operation whereby residual materials are processed for use as substitutes for raw materials.

It also includes energy recovery or any other authorized activity involving cleaning, decontaminating, or declassifying products as hazardous residual materials.

NOTE: Bulking, shredding and bundling are not considered processing activities.


How to become a Registered Processor

You can apply to become a Registered Processor by completing the following steps.

Following receipt of the documents, your application will be reviewed and, if approved, registration will be completed and confirmed.


Who should be a member?

Any business which:

  • Manufactures oil, oil filters or antifreeze (glycol) products
  • Distributes oil, oil filters or antifreeze (glycol) product in (or into) the Atlantic provinces
  • Receives oil, oil filters or antifreeze (glycol) through importation into the Atlantic provinces and is the first to sell the oil, oil filters or glycol product in the Atlantic provinces.

Applicable products, EHC rates and OEM Categories

Atlantic Members List

All designated material brand owners [of oils, oil filters, oil containers, antifreeze, antifreeze (glycol) containers and aerosol containers] who did not submit their own program must join a management association. See the relevant provincial regulations linked below.


Provincial Regulations

If you have any questions about membership, please call: 1-833-222-8662


Become a member

To become a member, complete the following steps.


The Atlantic Used Oil Management Association will only register you as a member upon receipt of all the above requirements. Your name will then appear on our website in our list of members, as well as the member directory list on the national UOMA website.

Important notice: In accordance with the membership agreement, the member agrees to remit the EHCs retroactively from the date of the program start in the applicable Atlantic province, or from the start date of their sales of regulated products in the province if this date is after start of the applicable provincial program. The calculation of such payment will be retroactive for no longer than seven (7) years from the date of the first contact between the Atlantic Used Oil Management Association and the potential member with respect to such product(s).